Nigam Mishra
Member since November 2019Total sales
Seller rating
Based on 98 reviews
Next payout
Your current earnings of $1,375.00 will be sent to you 8/15/2019
Payout history
Amount | Payout method | Date processed |
$1,233.84 | PayPal | July 16, 2019 |
$805.79 | PayPal | July 1, 2019 |
$1,564.98 | PayPal | June 17, 2019 |
$697.79 | PayPal | June 2, 2019 |
$2,060.80 | Payoneer | May 15, 2019 |
$754.30 | Payoneer | May 1, 2019 |
$1,372.26 | Payoneer | April 16, 2019 |
$1,296.41 | SWIFT | April 3, 2019 |
$339.57 | SWIFT | March 17, 2019 |
$493.24 | SWIFT | February 28, 2019 |